
This article describes how to perform an automated or unattended installation of the adTempus Console


The adTempus Console installer is packaged together with the adTempus server installer, and the same setup manager is used for interactive installation of either or both components.

This setup manager does not support non-interactive installation, but it is possible to run the Console installer directly to install the Console without user interaction (for example, to deploy the Console using automated deployment tools).

Obtaining the Setup Files

The Console setup files can be downloaded separately or can be run or copied from the full installer.

Download Console-Only Setup

The Console-Only setup is available from the adTempus version archive page. Download the Console Only ZIP for the appropriate version and extract the files.

Run or Copy from Full Installer

If downloading the ZIP as described in the previous section is too simple, you can run the setup from full setup package or copy the files from that package.

  1. Run the setup program (e.g., "adTempus 5.0.3.exe")
  2. Select a location for the setup files to be extracted to. For this example we will use "C:\adTempus Setup".
  3. Wait while files are extracted
  4. At the "Extraction Complete" step, click Cancel to exit setup without installing anything
  5. Go to the "packages" folder under the folder you specified in step 2. For example, "C:\adTempus Setup\packages".
    • If you just want to run setup from here, go to the Installing the Console section below
    • If you want to use these files to deploy to another computer, keep reading
  6. Delete all the "adTempusServerNN.msi" files
  7. Go to the "Arcana Development\adTempus" folder
  8. Delete the "Instances" folder
  9. Go to the "5.0" folder
  10. Delete the "Licensing" folder and "ServerToolLauncher.exe"
  11. Go back to the "packages" folder. You need the "adTempusConsole.msi" file and what's left of the "Arcana Development" folder. You don't need anything from the parent folder (e.g., "C:\adTempus Setup").

Installing the Console

To perform an automated installation of the Console, use the following MSI command (or the equivalent in your deployment tool).

Note: Installation requires administrative privileges. If you're running this from a command prompt, be sure to start the command prompt as Administrator.

msiexec /l*v "%temp%\adTempus Console setup.log" /i adTempusConsole.msi /quiet

This will write "adTempus Console setup.log" to your TEMP folder; change the command line as appropriate if you want it somewhere else.

Note that msiexec will not provide any progress information or installation results. Check the log file for the results or for an automated installation check the return code from msiexec.


  • This procedure only works for a new installation of the Console. It cannot be used to upgrade an existing installation.
  • Unattended installation of the adTempus server is not currently supported.