
This article describes the changes included in Report Commander 2.1, released on September 27, 2015.

Note: This is a free update for all adTempus 2 users. No license update is required.


If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version, run the installer to upgrade your existing installation in place. It is not possible to install this release side-by-side with an earlier 2.x release.

If you are upgrading from version 1.x, see the download page and the user guide for installation and upgrade information.

Obtaining the Update

See the download page to download the latest version of Report Commander. The setup program will update your installation.

Changes in This Update

This release corrects issues discovered since version 2.0.

The following changes are included in this update:

Command Line Builder
Command Line Builder does not include login option if user ID not overriddenCR00004085

For more information see Knowledge Base article K00000479.

Disable CHUNKING extension for SMTP sendingCR00006107
Using this extension causes problems in some scenarios where mail servers, proxy servers, or security filtering software do not implement it correctly.
If report is coded to use Integrated Security, command line override to explicit credentials may not be usedCR00004087
Data source override fails for report using file-based data sourceCR00004089
Command Line Builder generates incorrect "-exportformat" value for some export formatsCR00004090

For the following export formats, the Command Line Builder generates the wrong value for the "-exportformat" option:

  • HTML 4.0
  • Word
  • Editable RTF
  • Excel
  • Excel Record
Processing may fail when data source is stored procedure or database commandCR00004092
Newline escapes not replaced in e-mail messagesCR00006105
When using the Command Runner (adcrutil) to e-mail a report, if the message body contains newline escapes ("\n"), those escape sequences are not replaced with new lines when the message is sent.
Port number not parsed when e-mail server specified on command lineCR00007114
When you use the Command Runner and specify an e-mail server that includes a port number (such as ""), Report Commander fails to use the port number and the connection fails.
"Report.Name" variable erroneously includes file extension in some casesCR00007115

When you use the ${Report.Name} variable to insert the report name in an output file name, message subject, etc., Report Commander may incorrectly include the file extension. For example, if the report is named "myreport.rpt", then "${Report.Name}.pdf" should produce "myreport.pdf" but instead produces "myreport.rpt.pdf".

This problem was corrected.

Disable connection test and database verification by default for connection overrideCR00007119

In Report Commander 1.5 and 2.0, if a database connection was overridden to point to a new data source or use new credentials, Report Commander performed database connection tests and table verification. While these operations are necessary in some cases, in most cases they cause an unnecessary delay, and in some cases they cause the connection to fail.

Therefore these options were turned off by default. They can be turned back on by using the "-verifydb" and "-testconnectivity" command line options (Command Runner) or the options on the Advanced page of the Report Properties Panel (Project Editor).

User Interface
Project Editor and Command Line Builder erroneously show linked parameters from subreportsCR00004086
Project Editor or Command Line Builder crashes when report parameter names contain certain charactersCR00005099

For more information see Knowledge Base article K00000498.