
This article provides a database query that can be used to get a list of all jobs that send notification messages and the recipients that each job notifies.

More Information

See article K00000385 for instructions on how to execute a database query.

The following SQL query returns a list of all jobs that contain Notification Tasks or Notification Actions in Responses, and lists all of the notification recipients who receive notification for the job. The query reports on job-level and step-level Responses.

select as JobName,
0 as StepNumber,
cast(event as varchar(50)) as Event,
'Individual' as RecipientType, as RecipientName
from job j join response r on j.oid=r.owner
join actions a on r.oid=a.owner
join notificationaction na on a.actionoid=na.oid
join notificationrecipients nrs on nrs.owner=na.oid
join notificationindividual nr on nr.oid=nrs.recipientoid
join events es on es.owner=r.oid
join jobeventfilter e on es.eventoid=e.oid
where j.instanceparent is null


select as JobName,
0 as StepNumber,
cast(event as varchar(50)) as Event,
'Group' as RecipientType, as RecipientName
from job j join response r on j.oid=r.owner
join actions a on r.oid=a.owner
join notificationaction na on a.actionoid=na.oid
join notificationrecipients nrs on nrs.owner=na.oid
join notificationgroup nr on nr.oid=nrs.recipientoid
join events es on es.owner=r.oid
join jobeventfilter e on es.eventoid=e.oid
where j.instanceparent is null


select as JobName,
cast(event as varchar(50)) as Event,
'Individual' as RecipientType, as RecipientName
from job j join jobstep js on j.oid=js.owner
join response r on js.oid=r.owner
join actions a on r.oid=a.owner
join notificationaction na on a.actionoid=na.oid
join notificationrecipients nrs on nrs.owner=na.oid
join notificationindividual nr on nr.oid=nrs.recipientoid
join events es on es.owner=r.oid
join jobeventfilter e on es.eventoid=e.oid
where j.instanceparent is null


select as JobName,
cast(event as varchar(50)) as Event,
'Group' as RecipientType, as RecipientName
from job j join jobstep js on j.oid=js.owner
join response r on js.oid=r.owner
join actions a on r.oid=a.owner
join notificationaction na on a.actionoid=na.oid
join notificationrecipients nrs on nrs.owner=na.oid
join notificationgroup nr on nr.oid=nrs.recipientoid
join events es on es.owner=r.oid
join jobeventfilter e on es.eventoid=e.oid
where j.instanceparent is null

select as JobName,StepNumber,'Notification Task' as Event,
'Individual' as RecipientType, as RecipientName
from job j join jobstep js on j.oid=js.owner
join notificationtask nt on js.task=nt.oid
join notificationrecipients nrs on nrs.owner=nt.oid
join notificationindividual nr on nr.oid=nrs.recipientoid
where j.instanceparent is null

select as JobName,StepNumber,'Notification Task' as Event,
'Group' as RecipientType, as RecipientName
from job j join jobstep js on j.oid=js.owner
join notificationtask nt on js.task=nt.oid
join notificationrecipients nrs on nrs.owner=nt.oid
join notificationgroup nr on nr.oid=nrs.recipientoid
where j.instanceparent is null

order by jobname,stepnumber,event,recipientname