
Job Variables allow you to define changeable values that can be used throughout your jobs. While a job is executing, you can easily create and modify variables from within scripts. However, any changes made using the simple approach only affect the job in which the changes are made; other jobs are not affected.

In some cases you may want to programmatically make changes to variables and have those changes affect all jobs. For example, you may have variables that are used by several jobs in your nightly processing cycle, and you need to update these variables at the beginning of the cycle, setting the values based on the current date.

This article explains how to use the adTempus API to make the changes.


Beginning with version 4, the Job Variable Update Task or Job Variable Update Action can be used to update variables.


You will first create a Script Library that contains supporting code.You will then create a job that runs the script code to set the values.

Create the Script Library

1. In the adTempus Console, expand the Scripts folder, then right-click Script Libraries and choose New Script Library...

2. In the Script Library Properties window:

    a. Name the library "SetVariables"

    b. Select "VB.NET" for the Language

    c. Erase the default script code and paste in the following code:

Imports System.Collections.Generic 
Imports ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client

'This code can be called from adTempus scripts to create or modify Job Variables for a Job Group.
'From your script, reference the SetVariables library, and then call the SetGroupVariable methods to
'set the variables. See for more information.
Public Module SetVariables
    'Sets a JobVariable for the specified group.
    'This method will update the variable if it already exists, or create a new variable if it does not.
    'Important: The job that calls this script must be running under the account of a user who has permission to update the target group.
    'the groupName should be the fully-qualified name of the group. For example:
    '   "" or "\" for the root group
    '   "GroupLevel1"   for a top-level group
    '   "GroupLevel1\GroupLevel2" for a second-level group
    Public Sub SetGroupVariable(ByVal groupName As String, ByVal variableName As String, ByVal variableValue As String)
        Dim session As Scheduler
        Dim variable As JobVariable
        Dim group As JobGroup

        'create a new session to the local adTempus instance
        session = CreateSession()

        group = FindGroup(session, groupName)
        If group Is Nothing Then
            'the group does not exist
            Throw New System.Exception("The requested group could not be found")
        End If
        'get the existing variable with the specified variableName, if there is one
        variable = FindVariable(group.JobVariables, variableName)

        If variable Is Nothing Then
            'no variable has been defined with that name, so create a new JobVariable object, initialize it with the correct name, and add
            'it to the server settings.
            variable = CType(session.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_JobVariable), JobVariable)
            variable.Name = variableName

            'else  we will update the value for the variable that already existed.
        End If
        variable.Value = variableValue
    End Sub

    Private Const DEFAULT_JOB_GROUP_OID As String = "{2C13CBB7-57D7-44A7-A74C-92B9F92A2A01}:{9A3EA996-9137-4EA7-8CAC-55E70695B473}"

    Private Function FindGroup(ByVal session As Scheduler, ByVal groupName As String) As JobGroup
        Dim groupPath As New Queue(Of String)
        Dim pathParts As System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection

        pathParts = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(groupName, "([^\\]+)")
        For Each match As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match In pathParts

        If groupPath.Count > 0 AndAlso groupPath.Peek() = "Root" Then
        End If

        Dim group As JobGroup
        group = CType(session.GetObject(DEFAULT_JOB_GROUP_OID), JobGroup)
        Return FindGroup(group, groupPath)

    End Function
    Private Function FindGroup(ByVal currentGroup As JobGroup, ByVal groupPath As Queue(Of String)) As JobGroup
        If groupPath.Count = 0 Then
            Return currentGroup
        End If

        For Each group As JobGroup In currentGroup.Groups
            If String.Compare(group.Name, groupPath.Peek, True) = 0 Then
                Return FindGroup(group, groupPath)
            End If
        Return Nothing
    End Function

    Private Function FindVariable(ByVal variables As JobVariables, ByVal variableName As String) As JobVariable
        For Each variable As JobVariable In variables
            If String.Compare(variable.Name, variableName, True) = 0 Then
                Return variable
            End If

        Return Nothing
    End Function

    'Sets a JobVariable at the server level.
    'This method will update the variable if it already exists, or create a new variable if it does not.
    'Important: The job that calls this script must be running under the account of a user who has permission to update server settings.
    Public Sub SetServerVariable(ByVal variableName As String, ByVal variableValue As String)
        Dim session As Scheduler
        Dim settings As ServerSettings
        Dim variable As JobVariable

        'create a new session to the local adTempus instance
        session = CreateSession()

        'retrieve the server settings, which contain the job variables
        settings = session.GetServerSettings()

        'get the existing variable with the specified variableName, if there is one
        variable = FindVariable(settings.JobVariables, variableName)

        If variable Is Nothing Then
            'no variable has been defined with that name, so create a new JobVariable object, initialize it with the correct name, and add
            'it to the server settings.
            variable = CType(session.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_JobVariable), JobVariable)
            variable.Name = variableName

            'else  we will update the value for the variable that already existed.
        End If
        variable.Value = variableValue
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateSession() As Scheduler
        Dim app As Application
        app = New Application

        'create a new session to the local adTempus instance
        Return app.Connect("", "")
    End Function
End Module

    d. Click OK to save the Script Library.

Set Variables from a Script

Once the Script Library has been created you can call the SetGroupVariable method from an adTempus script to set variable values.

To use the code defined in the Script Library:

1. Create a new job, or edit an existing job. Keep in mind the following points:

  • The values that a job sees for the Job Variables are fixed at the time the job begins executing. Therefore changing variables using this code will not affect any jobs that are already running, including the job that is making the changes. Therefore you should make the variable changes in a standalone job that runs before any jobs that depend on the variables.
  • The script uses the adTempus API to update the variables. The API is subject to the same security checks as the adTempus Console. Therefore you must run the job under the User Account of a user who has permission within adTempus to modify the Job Group whose variables you are updating.

2. On the Steps page of the Job Properties, add a new step, selecting the "Execute a script" option in the Select Task window.

3. In the Script Execution Task Properties window, select the "Execute a script stored in adTempus" option, then click the Select... button.

4. In the Select Script window, click New... to create a new script.

5. In the Script Properties window, select "VB.NET" as the script Language.

6. Under Included Script Libraries, check the "SetVariables" library.

7. Add whatever code you need to calculate the value(s) of the variable(s) you need to set.

8. To set the variable values, call the SetGroupVariable method using the following syntax:


where GroupName is the name of the group where you want to set the variable, VariableName is the variable's name, and VariableValue is the new value for the variable.

To set variables for the root group (represented by the base "Jobs" folder in the Console), specify an empty string for GroupName:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Server

Public Class UserScript
    Inherits ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.ScriptEngine.UserScriptBase

    Public Overrides Function Run() As Object
	Dim runDate As String
        SetGroupVariable("","RunDate", rundate)
        adtempus.LogMessage(MessageTypeEnum.Informational, 0, "Set RunDate to " & runDate)
        Return 0
    End Function
End Class

 Use a backslash to separate levels of hierarchy when settings values for groups below the first level:

        SetGroupVariable("Top Level Group","SomeVariable", "some value")
        SetGroupVariable("Top Level Group\Second Level Group","SomeOtherVariable", "some value")

If the Job Variable already exists, its value will be updated. If it does not exist, it will be created. The variable will retain the new value until it is modified by another script or by a user.