
Using the proper command line parameters, you can tell Microsoft Access to open a database and execute a particular macro.

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To start Microsoft Access, specify "msaccess.exe" (be sure to include the proper path to the executable) as the Application (Arcana Scheduler) or Target (adTempus).

For the Command-Line Parameters, use the following:

database /x macro

Where database is the complete path and name of the database, and macro is the name of the macro (be sure to enclose the macro name in quotation marks if it contains spaces or punctuation).

Note that you must include a "Quit" command in your macro (or equivalent code elsewhere) to close Microsoft Access when your macro finishes, or it will remain running.

Additional Command-Line Options

Consult the Microsoft Access Help file for information on additional command-line options that can be used to control Access. For example, if your database is password-protected, you will need to use the /user and /pwd options, and possibly the /wrkgrp option.