Some users have reported cases where network connections established by adTempus are not released when the job(s) using those connections finish. This can lead to problems such as exceeding the limit on the number of network connections allowed to a server.
When adTempus has connected a network resource for a job, it instructs Windows to close that network connection once all jobs that use the connection have finished. If Windows detects that a connection is still in use (i.e., because there is still an open file on the connection), it does not release the connection. This leads to "orphaned" connections.
A new adTempus option was introduced beginning in adTempus 2.1. When this option is set, adTempus instructs Windows to release network connections even if open files are detected.
To set this option, run the Registry Editor and go to the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcana Development\adTempus\options
Under this key add a new string (REG_SZ) value named "UserManager:ForceCloseNetworkConnections". Set the value to "1" (without the quotes). After making this change, you must restart the adTempus service for the change to take effect.
Caution: This change will apply to all network connections, and may lead to unexpected results. Watch for unusual behavior with network connections after making the change. If problems occur, delete the new value added above.
adTempus 3