
Backup Exec includes a utility program that can be used to run jobs and administer Backup Exec using a command-line interface. This utility, called "bemcmd.exe," can be used to run Backup Exec jobs and perform other tasks from adTempus or the Arcana Scheduler.

To use bemcmd, configure the scheduler to run "bemcmd.exe" and pass the appropriate command-line parameters. Consult the Backup Exec documentation for information on bemcmd and the available commands.

Additional Information

For most commands, bemcmd returns an exit code of 1 to indicate success or -1 to indicate failure. This will cause adTempus and the Arcana Scheduler to always report the job as failed if you keep the default settings (because both schedulers expect an exit code of 0 to indicate success).

To work properly with bemcmd, make the following changes:

For adTempus

In the Program Execution Task Properties window go to the Advanced page. In the Success Criteria section, select the first option and specify a target exit code of 1.

For Arcana Scheduler

In the Program Properties window go to the Advanced page. In the Monitoring section change the setting to "Successful completion is indicated by an exit code = 1".