When you configure adTempus to capture files produced by a job, or to capture the console output for a program, adTempus may fail to do so if it is not able to create or access the directory in which captured files are stored.
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Captured files are first copied to a temporary location, then to their final destination. If files are not being captured, check for the existence and permissions for both.
First run Windows Explorer and browse to the directory
c:\program files\arcana development\adtempus\data
(replace c:\program files\arcana development\adtempus with the correct path to the adTempus program directory, if necessary)
Under the "data" directory should be a subdirectory called "CapturedFiles". This is the location where captured files are ultimately stored.
If the CapturedFiles directory does not exist, create it, and be sure that the SYSTEM account has full security control over the directory.
If the CapturedFiles directory already exists, check the security settings to ensure that the SYSTEM account has full security control over the directory.
If this does not resolve the problem, the problem may be with permissions for the TEMP directory, where captured files are held briefly. The TEMP directory is the directory pointed to by the TEMP environment variable. Depending on system configuration, this may be a single directory (such as "c:\temp") or there may be a separate TEMP directory for each user, such as
c:\documents and settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp
Locate the TEMP directory for the user account under which the job is running, then check the permissions for that directory. Both the user whose account the job is running under and the SYSTEM account must have full control over this directory.