
To execute built-in commands such as copy, move, del, etc., you must either place the commands in a batch file that is run by the Scheduler or configure the Scheduler to launch the command shell and execute the command.

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These built-in commands are integrated into the command shell and do not have associated executable files, so it is not possible to have the Scheduler execute them directly. For example, if you specify "copy" as the Application in the Scheduler, the Scheduler will report that it is not a valid program.

If you have several commands that need to be executed in sequence, you should create a batch file that contains the commands, and have the Scheduler execute the batch file.

To run a single command directly from the Scheduler, you can configure the Scheduler to execute the command shell, "cmd.exe", which can in turn execute the commands. To do so, set the Application to "cmd.exe" and set the Command Line Parameters to the command you wish to execute, preceded by the switch "/c ".

For example, to copy a file you would configure the Scheduler as follows:

Application: cmd

Command Line Parameters: /c c:\somefile.txt d:\

The "/c" switch instructs cmd to execute the command and then terminate. If you want the console window to remain open so that you can see the result, use the "/k" switch instead.

For more information see the "cmd" topic in the Windows online help.