Language: C#

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See the Client API Examples Introduction for additional information and prerequisites.

Samples index

These samples demonstrate how to retrieve recent job instances

The samples below show:

  1. Fetch all instances for the last 30 days for a job
  2. Fetch the most recent 5 instances for a job
  3. Fetch all instances for the last 30 days for all jobs. This sample also demonstrates how to use paging when fetching large amounts of data.
//fetch all instances for a particular job that finished in the last 30 days
void Main()
	using (var session = Scheduler.Connect(".", LoginAuthenticationType.Windows, "", ""))
		using (var context = session.NewDataContext())
			//fetch the job we want to report on
			var job=context.GetJob("My Job");
			InstanceQueryParameters queryParameters = new InstanceQueryParameters()
				FetchOptions = ObjectFetchOptions.FullFetch // Use FullFetch because we are also getting LogMessages. Using StubsOnly is much slower.

			//query the history for this job only
			//look for instances within the last 30 days
			//only include instances that have finished execution
			//sort by Instance ID
			//get the history
			var history=context.GetJobHistory(queryParameters);

			if (history != null)
				foreach (var h in history)
					Console.WriteLine($"{h.JobName} instance {h.InstanceID}");
					foreach(var message in h.LogMessages)
						//do something with log messages if you want.	

//fetch the most recent 5 completed instances for a particular job
void Main()
	using (var session = Scheduler.Connect(".", LoginAuthenticationType.Windows, "", ""))
		using (var context = session.NewDataContext())
			//fetch the job we want to report on
			var job=context.GetJob("My Job");
			InstanceQueryParameters queryParameters = new InstanceQueryParameters()
				FetchOptions = ObjectFetchOptions.FullFetch // Use FullFetch because we are also getting LogMessages. Using StubsOnly is much slower.

			//query the history for this job only
			//only include instances that have finished execution
			//sort by Instance ID
			//only fetch 5 instances. Since we are sorting by instance ID (descending), this will be the most recent 5 that
			//meet the other criteria
			//get the history
			var history=context.GetJobHistory(queryParameters);

			if (history != null)
				foreach (var h in history)
					Console.WriteLine($"{h.JobName} instance {h.InstanceID}");
					foreach(var message in h.LogMessages)
						//do something with log messages if you want.	


//fetch all instances in the last 30 days for all jobs
void Main()
	using (var session = Scheduler.Connect(".", LoginAuthenticationType.Windows, "", ""))
		using (var context = session.NewDataContext())
			InstanceQueryParameters queryParameters = new InstanceQueryParameters()
				FetchOptions = ObjectFetchOptions.FullFetch // Use FullFetch because we are also getting LogMessages. Using StubsOnly is much slower.

			//Specify the RootGroup as the target to look at all jobs (this tells it to look at the root group, all child groups and contained jobs)
			//look for instances within the last 30 days
			//only include instances that have finished execution

			//sort by Instance ID
			queryParameters.PageSize = 100;

			for(int i=1;;i++)
				//if there are a lot of jobs running, 30 days of history may be too much for one request.
				//request the instances in sets of 100
				queryParameters.PageNumber=i;   //increment page number each call

				//get the history
				var history = context.GetJobHistory(queryParameters);

				if (history != null)
					foreach (var h in history)
						Console.WriteLine($"{h.JobName} instance {h.InstanceID}");

						foreach (var message in h.LogMessages)
							//do something with log messages if you want.	

				if(history.Count < queryParameters.PageSize)
					//if the method returned fewer items than requested, there are no more items
					//there are more items to return. Continue the loop.	



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