adTempus 4.4 VB Scripts failing unless "Make this job visible on my desktop" is checked

ADT User (2 posts)
August 25, 2017 03:39 PM
Accepted Answer

I have recently moved my adTempus scheduler master instance to a different computer and now when i try to run vb scripts they will fail out unless i manually run them with the "make this job visible on my desktop" option checked. This was not an issue on the old computer and i was wonder if anyone had any idea of a fix/reason/workaround/ or any advice.


Thank you

Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 27, 2017 02:54 PM
Accepted Answer

All scripts or some scripts? Does this happen if you just use a simple script using the template code that adTempus generates?

When you don't have "make this job visible on my desktop" option checked, the script is running in a hidden logon session, without access to the interactive desktop. You would see failures if:

  • Your script is trying to access a mapped network drive letter. This will fail if you don't have the drive letter mapped in adTempus (more information). It might succeed when you run it on your desktop if you have the drive letter mapped in your logon session, because it would then have access to that mapping.
  • You're trying to use Excel automation. See articles K00000472 and K00000375.

Beyond that we can't tell you much without more information about what your scripts are doing, where they're failing, and what error you're getting.

ADT User (2 posts)
August 28, 2017 06:00 AM
Accepted Answer
Thank you for your reply. Most of our scripts are opening excel reports, refreshing the data, and saving them to a network drive. Some of the reports are able to work in non interactive mode but it seems that a vast majority are failing out instantly with the error that it cannot reach a file on our network drive that contains the last business day date, or with a script compilation error (-2147023170)
Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 28, 2017 06:20 PM
Accepted Answer
If you're  getting a network access failure you need to make sure you're not using mapped drive letters (use UNC paths instead). The script compilation error could be this issue.

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