Limit execution - Kill

Janus (5 posts)
April 13, 2004 08:35 AM
Accepted Answer


Under the Advanced Page under program it's possible to limit execution to n-seconds, but what if I just want to stop/ kill the job at a specific time... for instance 08:00

How do I manage that??



mgapen71 (8 posts)
April 13, 2004 06:05 PM
Accepted Answer

The first thing that comes to my mind, and it may not be pretty is to setup another job that executes at 8 and kills the other.  this can be accomplished in the responses tab of the new job.

Hope this helps.



Administrator Staff (63 posts)
April 19, 2004 09:55 AM
Accepted Answer

The suggestion from mgapen71 is one possibility. Another would be to have the separate job execute a "Terminate Process".

A "stop" schedule feature is being considered for the next major release of the software.

Janus (5 posts)
April 30, 2004 09:14 AM
Accepted Answer

Well we're currently managing about 2000 jobs, I think it would be a little overhead to schedule another 2000 jobs just to kill the other!

When is the next release planned for?

Administrator Staff (63 posts)
May 4, 2004 11:14 AM
Accepted Answer
The release that will include this feature is tentatively planned for late summer.
mgapen71 (8 posts)
May 6, 2004 06:08 PM
Accepted Answer

Well, it wouldn't be nearly that bad.  You would only need to setup one job per termination schedule.  For instance...create one job that would handle your 8 PM termination and then in the responses tab, add each job individually that you want terminated at 8 through job control and so on.  Like I said before, it may not be pretty but it should work for you in the interim of the new release.




cullil01 (3 posts)
August 11, 2004 01:07 AM
Accepted Answer

You can add an additional step and responce call to run another job that checks the time using a script.

if the time is within the time that you want your job to run then it will exit with a status of success and then will restart your main job via a response.

If the job fails it will exit as a failure and not restart your job. (hope this is making sense)

Here is the code that will accomplish this:

dim TimeNow
dim CompareTime

TimeNow = timer
CompareTime = 77400

        If TimeNow >= CompareTime Then
            Result = 1
            Result = 0
        End If


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