Extreme Mem Usage for sqlservr.exe?

Toby Erkson (8 posts)
August 27, 2009 03:29 PM
Accepted Answer

I'm looking at my Task Manager and sqlservr.exe is using 695,308K!  I've only got 12 Jobs (one is being Held).  All run and terminate just fine.

adTempus,  eval. version

Microsoft Windows XP, Version 2002, SP3

Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM

149GB Hard-drive with 116GB free space, paging file size system managed (currently 2039MB)


When I first start adTempus, like after a reboot, the system usage is low but it grows throughout the day.  Is this normal?  Seems awfully high to me.

Toby Erkson ...just another Yahoo!
Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 28, 2009 06:31 AM
Accepted Answer

This is a "feature" of SQL Server: it will use up as much memory as it can get its hands on if no other process is using the memory. It gives it back if other applications start using more memory.

See article K00000059 in the adTempus knowledge base for more information, though this article needs to be updated. It states that the 3.x database script sets the option to limit memory, but this is not correct. We don't recommend limiting the memory because this can decrease SQL Server and therefore adTempus performance.

We have done tests in the past to demonstrate that SQL Server does in fact give back the memory and it therefore should not affect system performance.
Toby Erkson (8 posts)
August 28, 2009 02:24 PM
Accepted Answer
Coolio.  Thx!
Toby Erkson ...just another Yahoo!

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