From field on Notifications

satchue (8 posts)
November 12, 2003 11:10 AM
Accepted Answer

When using responses e-mail or attach file:

The from field always says adtempus is there any way to change this

mgapen71 (8 posts)
November 18, 2003 07:49 AM
Accepted Answer

I believe that if you highlight the desired adTempus server and then goto Tools -> Server Options -> Notification Setup you'll see a field for "Return Address For Messages".  This is, of course, assuming you wanted to put an actual address in the return field and not change the "adTempus" part.  I don't know if it is possible to change that.  Hope this helps.




Administrator Staff (63 posts)
November 18, 2003 05:16 PM
Accepted Answer

You can specify the name to be used by specifying the return address in the following format:

"Return Name" <[email protected]>



satchue (8 posts)
November 25, 2003 08:43 PM
Accepted Answer

Nice this is just what I was looking for!





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