Business day logic in adTempus 4

Rob3 (8 posts)
June 9, 2023 09:08 AM
Accepted Answer

What is the best way to configure a job in adTempus 4 if I want the job to run at 10AM EST the next business day after the first business day of the month each month?

I tried configuring using days according to a floating rule and selecting only weekdays and excluding holidays, however in situations when the first business day of the month is a Friday the adTempus schedule seems to want to still run the job on Saturday at 10AM instead of the next business day. For example in my scenario in September the next business day after the first business day of the month is Tuesday September 5 (since Monday September 4 is labor day holiday). However when I set up my triggers using the floating rule logic the next runtime always becomes Saturday September 2nd 2023 using the floating rule. Is there another combination of scheduling triggers I can attempt so that the schedule will correctly ignore trying to run on Saturday or Sunday? I tried following the date/configuration documentation but haven't had any luck. 

Bill Staff (603 posts)
June 9, 2023 10:15 AM
Accepted Answer

Unless I'm misunderstanding, "the next business day after the first business day" can also be expressed as the "second business day." You can configure that by selecting:

  • All months selected
  • Trigger on days specified using a floating rule
  • 0 days after the 2nd occurrence of selected weekdays
  • Check Monday-Friday and also Exclude Holidays

You also need to configure holidays on the Holidays tab of the Schedule Trigger properties:

  • Check Use the following set of holidays
  • Select the holiday set
  • Set the holiday behavior to "Run as scheduled". This one is counterintuitive but on this page we're just telling the job which holidays to use. We don't want it to apply any special handling for holidays here because we've already taken care of that by choosing "Exclude Holidays" above.

Note: If you use the Show matching dates button in the Schedule Properties window when you first set this up, the results may not take holidays into account due to a bug in the Console. If you save the Schedule Trigger and then return to this point, Show matching dates should now factor in holidays.

Rob3 (8 posts)
June 9, 2023 10:20 AM
Accepted Answer
Perfect that looks to do the trick, show matching dates was not updating but after saving the trigger and updating it is reflecting correctly now, many thanks