Execution time threshold exceeded: ThresholdExceededSeconds message

Ken T (33 posts)
June 3, 2022 03:11 PM
Accepted Answer


We're running adTempus 4.6 on our server.

I'm getting this error message from one particular scheduled job: Execution time threshold exceeded: ThresholdExceededSeconds 

How do I suppress that message?

I looked it up a while back and saw something but didn't bookmark it.

Do we have to upgrade to 4.7? Or can it be something be done through the console?



Bill Staff (603 posts)
June 6, 2022 09:20 AM
Accepted Answer
This shouldn't be showing up as an error message in the Console. Did you mean its an email notification message? The execution time threshold message comes from a Response (for the job or one of its steps) that has an event for "Execution time reached a threshold". You need to find that response and remove it.
Ken T (33 posts)
June 8, 2022 08:45 AM
Accepted Answer

Yes, it's an email.

Actually, I don't have an "Execution time reached a threshold" event setup under Response (at the job level).

Funny thing is the email sends out exactly at midnight on this Monday-Friday job.

I have various Response events at the the job level, but I noticed a "If Task runs longer than the specified time then Send notification with automatic subject" is setup at the Step level under Response.

When I click Edit button for "If Task runs longer than the specified time then Send notification with automatic subject", it opens a new window called Response Properties and shows Events designated at the top half of the popup and Actions on the bottom half of the popup.

It only shows 1 event set:
Event: Task runs longer than the specified time

When I edit the "Task runs longer than the specified time" entry, I get a new popup that shows an event as "Before task is killed" in the dropdown as selected.

If I expand the Event dropdown (which currently shows "Before task is killed" selected), I do see a "Step execution time reached a threshold" option. But that's totally different than what I'm trying to resolve, right?


Bill Staff (603 posts)
June 8, 2022 04:46 PM
Accepted Answer
It's the "If Task runs longer than the specified time then Send notification with automatic subject". There is a bug in your version that causes it to select the wrong event ("Before task is killed") when you edit the event, but the description is correct and it is using the time threshold. You need to delete that response if you don't want the notification, or change the time limit as appropriate if you still do. If you edit the event to change the time limit, you will need to change the selector to the "Step execution time reached a threshold" option since it shows the wrong thing.

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