Run jobs Response on Master\Agent

Natalia (1 post)
April 22, 2020 08:35 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi All,

Can someone help me with my configurations?

So I have are several jobs which have to be run one by one on Master and on Agent as well and I want to make it work next:

Job1 finished on Master and then Job 2 should start on Master even if Job1 is still running on Agent or

Job1 on master should trigger Job2 on Master and Job1 on Agent should trigger Job2 on Agent

It is possible?

I'm using AdTempus 4.6




Bill Staff (603 posts)
April 22, 2020 02:11 PM
Accepted Answer
You can set this up using a Job Control Action attached to Job 1. Add it to a Response that is triggered by "Job Succeeded" or whatever event is appropriate. In the settings for the Action, there is an option to "Run only on same Agent" that should do what you want--on each computer, Job 1 will trigger Job 2 on the same computer. However, when I set up a quick test of this I found a problem: the setting works correctly on the Agent, but on the Master it is ignored and so the job gets triggered to run again on the Master and on all Agents. We'll make a fix for this; please open a support case and I'll get a hotfix to you when it's available (should be within a few days).

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