Duplicate a Group

GuyS (45 posts)
October 31, 2019 05:14 AM
Accepted Answer


I try to Duplicate a Group in adTempus and get errors like ADT005244E: You do not have permission to modify the Job Variables for the specified target. 

In the adTempus jobs I have multiple steps which updates adTempus variables.

What do I have to do to get this working?



Kind regards,

Guy Swagten 

Bill Staff (603 posts)
October 31, 2019 06:10 AM
Accepted Answer

Do you have Administrator permission in adTempus?

Where are the Job Variables that your jobs are modifying--on the jobs that are being duplicated, on other jobs within the group that's being duplicated, on the group that's being duplicated, or outside the group?

GuyS (45 posts)
October 31, 2019 06:39 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi Bill,


I do have Administrator permission.


In Jobs, I have Group LPS

In Group LPS, I have 2019

In Group 2019, I have LPS19GS 

I try to duplicate LPS19GS to LPS20GS, so it will be created in 2019. Next step is to move it to 2020.

The variable JR is defined in the Group 2019 and it is set in

LPSjjGS -> Jaar -> Init Jaar (see adTempusDuplicate_Groups.png and other atttachments  




GuyS (45 posts)
October 31, 2019 06:55 AM
Accepted Answer

 Related to that: When I try to update a variable in group-level 4 deep, with Scope: Update definition for Job Group, will it update on level-2, when it is not defined in level-3, or will it create the variable on level-3?




Bill Staff (603 posts)
November 1, 2019 07:55 AM
Accepted Answer

I tried this and it worked correctly for me. What version of adTempus are you running?



GuyS wrote:
When I try to update a variable in group-level 4 deep, with Scope: Update definition for Job Group, will it update on level-2, when it is not defined in level-3, or will it create the variable on level-3?

adTempus will not create the variable. It will update it at the first level it finds a variable by that name (working up from the job's immediate owner group). So in your case, it will update in level-2.


GuyS (45 posts)
November 6, 2019 12:47 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi Bill,

 I tried an alternative and exported a group and now try to import it into another group.

Same problem. It looks like, the import fails when I try to update a variable which should be created as part of the import. When I Edit the error, and change the update of the variable from 'Update definition for Job Group' to 'Apply to existing instance only', the message disappears.





Bill Staff (603 posts)
November 6, 2019 09:05 AM
Accepted Answer
Sorry, my settings didn't match yours when I did this. I was able to reproduce the problem. We will look into it.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
November 8, 2019 06:52 AM
Accepted Answer
We have made a fix for this. Please open a support case if you'd like to try it out. Otherwise it will be in the next hotfix or the upcoming 4.7 release.
GuyS (45 posts)
November 20, 2019 07:27 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi Bill,


First test went OK. Need to do some more testing. I'll let you know the results.

Intention is to Import a group (2019:TST19) to group 2020:TST20. I need to check which Advanced settings for the Import are needed.  





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