Termination of child processes

smp (34 posts)
December 17, 2009 11:56 AM
Accepted Answer

adTempus 3.0.5

Our jobs execute a CMD file, which kicks off one or more java.exe processes. When our customers terminate the job, the CMD process is killed but the child java.exe processes are not. I am looking for a way to configure adTempus to terminate all child processes that are started by the parent processes.

According to the way I interpret the help, it seems that specifying java.exe as the process to terminate in a Response will kill off ALL java.exe processes, which is not what I want. I may have hundreds of java.exe processes kicked off by other CMD files.

Is it possible to configure a job in this manner?

This topic has an accepted answer. Jump to it.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
December 17, 2009 02:37 PM
Accepted Answer

There is not currently any way to kill processes that are run by a batch file. We will be adding this capability in adTempus 4 next year, and possibly in an interim release before then.

The only workaround is to have adTempus run the java process directly rather than calling a batch file to do it.

smp (34 posts)
December 17, 2009 02:53 PM
Accepted Answer
Fair enough, thanks for a complete answer.
smp (34 posts)
January 31, 2013 12:34 PM
Accepted Answer

Hi, reviving old topic. Has the ability to terminate child processes been incorporated into any release yet?



Bill Staff (603 posts)
January 31, 2013 12:47 PM
Accepted Answer
Things got behind schedule but version 4 will be out in the first half of this year, and this functionality is included. Sorry it's taken so long--this was supposed to get added in a 3.x release but got overlooked.

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