Identifying restarted jobs

Paul Watson (96 posts)
June 4, 2018 08:11 AM
Accepted Answer
We have had a request to send an email when a failed job is restarted manually. Is there any way to identify this situation and send a notification in adTempus 4.3?
Bill Staff (603 posts)
June 4, 2018 03:10 PM
Accepted Answer
There's no easy way to do this, because there's no way to indicate when running a job manually that it's a restart of a failed job. It would be possible to do this with a script that runs in a step or response at the beginning of the job--it could query the history and check to see if the previous instance failed, and then send notification. If you want to pursue this approach I'll put something together.
Paul Watson (96 posts)
June 4, 2018 04:06 PM
Accepted Answer
Thanks for your quick reply, Bill. Don't start anything yet. I haven't heard anything more about it from the requester. Perhaps it is not needed.

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