Identifying Job changes

Ken T (33 posts)
September 11, 2017 04:14 PM
Accepted Answer


I was wondering if you could help me understand the auditing/object changes feature of adTempus.

I'm using adTempus 4.x.

Whenever I open a job and make a change, it prompts me with the Comments popup for the Change Log. So I know adTempus "can" track changes.

But when I try to run the "Object Change Log Report", the changes don't show up.

Do I have to turn on auditing or something to make this work?



Bill Staff (603 posts)
September 11, 2017 06:40 PM
Accepted Answer

If you're on 4.0 or 4.1 there's a bug with the report (see here). Upgrade to the latest version to get the fix.

If you're on 4.2 or later it should be fine. If you're getting prompted for comments when you save, then the change is being recorded.

To change settings for what's tracked, see the Auditing and Snapshot Settings. For example, you can change it to record changes automatically without displaying the prompt for comments. You can also configure the snapshot settings, which determine whether you'll be able to view changes between versions of objects.

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