Dynamic Trigger Notification

User4881 (1 post)
October 3, 2016 01:52 PM
Accepted Answer

Newbie here with AdTempus and have a question.

I have an SSRS report that contains status reports with a flag (Active, Complete, Past Due); there are also field names for Assigned Person, Backup Person, Manager.

Here is the scenario:

If the report flag is "Past Due"  Would adtempus be able to send notification with link of the report to the Assigned Person (in the morning) and if status does not change send a notification to Backup Person (in the afternoon) and it by end of day nothing is changed then a notification to Manager?

Adtempus would need to see flag status and datetime as triggers and also be able to copy link of report in the email notification and send to various recipients depending on time of day.  Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Bill Staff (603 posts)
October 3, 2016 03:52 PM
Accepted Answer

adTempus does not have any capability for reading/parsing data like that. To do this in adTempus you would need to code that yourself, either as a standalone program that adTempus calls or by writing a script in adTempus.

You could use adTempus to run the code and handle the notifications, but the rest would be up to you.

For example, a script could use the SSRS API to render the report to a file or stream. Then you would parse the output and build the appropriate notification messages, which adTempus can send for you.

You could set things up to run the script three times a day with a variable set to tell it what level of notification it should be doing.

Let me know if you need more ideas or guidance.

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