Using TIMEOUT from cmd.exe script

Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 26, 2016 11:17 AM
Accepted Answer

Is it possible to use the Windows cmd.exe TIMEOUT command? Is this problem related to TIMEOUT?


U:\DW_Devl\PRESSG~3>IF 0 EQU 0 (

    ECHO NB: Waiting for host to clear/remove OK.T file. 1>>"D:\DW_Devl\DW_Load_Logs\pg_3795.2016-05-26T11-09-04.log"


    GOTO EntryTest


ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately.

This topic has an accepted answer. Jump to it.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 27, 2016 04:58 AM
Accepted Answer
This happens because of the redirection used by adTempus to capture the output from the batch file. The timeout program doesn't like this. See discussions and alternatives here and here. You could try the sleep utility available here.
Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 27, 2016 06:55 AM
Accepted Answer

Thanks, Bill. I will probably use the ping approach. I would rather use sleep.exe from Microsoft, but getting that installed would require actions of others and delay completion. Downloading a sleep.exe from "somewhere on the net" makes the security group react.

If there is not already an Arcana KnowledgeBase article on TIMEOUT, perhaps there should be one. I searched before asking and did not find anything.

Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 27, 2016 06:56 AM
Accepted Answer

Thanks, Bill. I will probably use the ping approach. I would rather use sleep.exe from Microsoft, but getting that installed would require actions of others and delay completion. Downloading a sleep.exe from "somewhere on the net" makes the security group react.

If there is not already an Arcana KnowledgeBase article on TIMEOUT, perhaps there should be one. I searched before asking and did not find anything.

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