Trigger file variables list empty

Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 17, 2016 10:22 AM
Accepted Answer

I notice that when I edit a trigger file name, the "Variables" tab page is empty. Like the job variables, I was expecting to see the list of inherited variables. Does that not apply to trigger file names?

This is a 4.2 server and 4.3 client.

Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 17, 2016 01:06 PM
Accepted Answer
This is working for me (see attached). Where are your variables defined? Do they show up on the Variables page for the main job properties window?


Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 17, 2016 01:31 PM
Accepted Answer
I think it may be limited to when creating a new trigger file. It is the trigger "Variables" tab that is empty (see attached).


Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 17, 2016 03:09 PM
Accepted Answer

This seems to affect all trigger types when you are editing a new job. Once the job has been saved, if you edit it again the variables are there.

BTW the Variables tab you are on is used the define variables that get set when the job is started by this trigger. If you are adding or editing a file specification for the trigger (on the File Selection tab), the variable chooser (which lets you use variables in the file name) works correctly.

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