Copying groups

Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 9, 2016 03:00 PM
Accepted Answer

We are using adTempus 4.2.

We have a group with ~20 jobs in it. I need to duplicate the group and the jobs it contains to a new group for testing.

The only way I have seen to copy a job from one group to another is to 1) duplicate it with a new name, 2) move the renamed job to the new group, and 3) rename the job in the new group back to the correct name. This must be done for each and every job.

This still does not migrate any job references. A response in the newly copied group/job will still specify that a job be started in the original group.

Surely there is some easier way that I must be missing. What am I missing? Please advise. Thanks.

This topic has an accepted answer. Jump to it.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 9, 2016 03:06 PM
Accepted Answer
Right-click the group and select Duplicate Group. This duplicates the group and all its jobs. Beginning with version 4.2, references to jobs within the group are updated to point to the copy in the new group.
Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 9, 2016 04:12 PM
Accepted Answer

Many thanks, Bill. That looks like what I was looking for. Although I do not think I asked for " - Copy" to be appended to every job name. Is that required?

Also, it was unclear as to exactly where the new group would be created. I would like to have the capability to place it anywhere in the hierarchy of the server.

On a related note, when I go to check to see that the job was relocated, there is a good bit of the path showing in the edit control, but when I choose the Edit button, it take me to the root of the server. Shouldn't it really take me to the job referenced? If this is a new setting, then taking me to the group where I was last would likely be what I want this time.

Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 10, 2016 07:02 AM
Accepted Answer

The addition of "- Copy" is always put there but really shouldn't be. I will write that up to get changed.

The new group is created under the same parent group as the group you are duplicating (as described in the help topic). You can move the new group anywhere you want by dragging it to the desired parent group.

I'm not clear which "Edit" control/button you're referring to. Are you talking about job conditions/responses/triggers?
Paul Watson (96 posts)
May 10, 2016 07:20 AM
Accepted Answer

The "Edit" button is from the "Response Properties" dialog box. The "Select" button on the "Job Control Action Properties" dialog box opens the "Select Job" dialog box. It always seems top open the hierarchy showing the groups in the Jobs group.

If there is already a job in the text control when "Select" is chosen, it would seem logical to open the "Select Job" dialog box with the existing task selected. I would guess that there is a high probability that if this really is going to be a change, that a job in the same group as the current job would be chosen.

If this is a new job selection, then there is a high probability that the user would want to choose a job in the same group as they were choosing from previously. That is my experience.

Having to navigate from the root /Jobs every time becomes less interesting every time I have to do it. In an environment where jobs are usually 3+ group nodes down, it happens frequently.

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