Condition Failing

Andrew (24 posts)
August 12, 2013 11:17 AM
Accepted Answer


I have four jobs that have conditions to another upstream job. In our dev envrionment, I have no issues. When I deployed this setup to production, the conditions are failing with the following error message on all four jobs.

The condition on job with ID "{62391774-557D-426D-932A-EA58D647317B}" on remote computer "" cannot be checked because the job could not be retrieved:  (-1073436664)

I have tried the following steps to resolve this:

1. Delete conditions and assign them again.
2. Delete and recreate the upstream job.
3. Delete and recreate the four dependent jobs.
4. Create a brand new job that had a condition on the upstream job (this one worked)
5. Assign the upstream job to the same work queue as the dependent jobs.

Any ideas?


This topic has an accepted answer. Jump to it.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 12, 2013 12:01 PM
Accepted Answer

What version of adTempus?

I am assuming that the jobs involved are all on the same computer--there's a bug that causes adTempus to say the condition is on a remote computer even if it isn't. If that's not the case, let me know.

I also assume that deploying the setup to the production environment involved exporting the jobs from the development server to the production server.

If so, the links between the jobs will be broken unless you exported the target (upstream) jobs along with the dependent jobs (or the target jobs had been previously exported from dev to prod). This is because the condition doesn't link based on the job's name but on the Job ID (which you can see under the name in the job properties window).

In your case I imagine something like this: in your dev environment you have Job B with a condition on Job A. Job A has a Job ID of "{62391774-557D-426D-932A-EA58D647317B}".

In your production environment you have a "Job A", but it was created directly on that computer (not originally exported from the dev computer), so it has a different Job ID.

You exported Job B from dev to production, but not Job A. When Job B runs, it doesn't look for "Job A"; it looks for the job with Job ID "{62391774-557D-426D-932A-EA58D647317B}", which doesn't exist on the new server.

You should be able to fix this by editing the Condition once the job gets to the prod server and re-selecting the target job. This will recreate the link using the correct Job ID.

If you exported both the target and dependent jobs from dev to prod, then something else is going on, because the link should have been adjusted during the import in that case.

Andrew (24 posts)
August 13, 2013 06:35 AM
Accepted Answer

I have DEV and PROD on the same machine so I deployed the jobs by duplicating them, changing their names and moving them to the production folder. I then deleted the conditions and repointed them to the production version of the upstream process.

I can no longer even get a new job to have a condition on another job in the same group. I think there's something wrong with the entire group. I'm probably going to delete and rebuild the jobs by hand.



Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 13, 2013 07:01 AM
Accepted Answer

You haven't said what version of adTempus you are using. 

Deleting and rebuilding the jobs probably won't do any good. The steps you followed should be enough to get things to work correctly.

Where is the problem happening? Are you having a problem trying to create the condition, or are you having the same problem where it's not finding the target job at execution?

If it's not finding the target job at execution, check the job ID that it's showing in the error message against the job ID shown for the job under the name in the job properties window. Do they match?

Andrew (24 posts)
August 13, 2013 08:03 AM
Accepted Answer

adTempus version is

The conditions fail at execution. I get the same error message above for all of them. The job IDs do match.




Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 13, 2013 08:34 AM
Accepted Answer
I did some quick tests and didn't run into any problems but clearly something isn't working right for you. Please open a support request and send me an export of the jobs involved so I can look at the settings. Also send the server diagnostic logs ("adtempussrv.*.log")  from the adTempus "logs" directory; hopefully there is some information there to help us figure out what's going wrong.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
August 26, 2013 01:12 PM
Accepted Answer

In Andrew's case the problem was that the dependent job (the job with the condition) was running on an Agent, but the target job (the job the condition was on) was on the Master. The Queue was configured to evaluate conditions on the Agent. When the dependent job ran, adTempus looked for the the target job on the Agent and could not find it, because it was only on the Master.

The solution was to change the setting for the Queue so that conditions are checked on the Master before the job is sent to the Agent.

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