Ad-Tempus job status update problem

Pankaj (2 posts)
July 4, 2012 04:20 AM
Accepted Answer


    We are using Ad-Tempus to schedule some jobs daily. From last few days it seems like ad-tempus is not updating the job status correctly. We can see the difference between job status at two locations. The job status which is in front of job says 'Abandoned' but the job history at the bottom shows 'successful' for last so many executions.

    It might be possible that few weeks back the job status was 'Abandoned' which was correct but after that jobs are running successfully daily but still the old job status is not updated. Also this problem is not for all jobs, and not consistent across given job history.

    We monitor job daily and decide to re-run or not based on job status. Now it has started creating confusion wheather we should rerun a job or not because it might be in successed state already but showing as 'Abandoned'

Please suggest correct resolution here. Our Ad-tempus version is 3.0.8



Bill Staff (603 posts)
July 5, 2012 12:40 PM
Accepted Answer

You should first check the Application log in the Windows Event Viewer and see if there are any error messages from adTempus reporting database problems. If so, adTempus may be having a problem updating the main status for the job. That doesn't seem very likely though since you have run the job several times.

If you have not already done so, try restarting the adTempus service and then see if the main status updates after you run the job. It's possible there is a problem with a copy of the job cached in memory on the server.

Are you using Distributed Scheduling? If so, were the successful instances all run on agents, or have some been run on the Master? If they were all run on agents, it's possible that the main status isn't getting updated correctly from the agents.

I can give you a database query to reset the main status for the job but it would be better to figure out what's causing the problem so you can count on the status being correct going forward. If restarting the service does not clear it up, you should open a support case so we can take a look.

Pankaj (2 posts)
July 6, 2012 07:55 AM
Accepted Answer


Thanks for the prompt reply. We have restarted the ad-tempus service and made some changes as you suggested. The next agent run is on coming Tuesday so we are waiting to see if it can update the status.



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