Novell Netware Support

Azathoth (13 posts)
April 19, 2004 07:16 AM
Accepted Answer


We're using adTempus for a few months to start several tasks. We also have batchjobs that need to be logged in to a Novell Netware Tree or Server. When you use the standard MS Task scheduler you can make sure the adTempus Server is logged in to a Novell Tree and when the job starts it'll work. Though that isn't working for adTempus because the jobs start under the adTempus-service.

The options under 'Network Resource Properties' aren't working for Novell. I can make an extra step to login to the tree and that's working. But when there are more novell-jobs running at the same time it won't work.

Does anyone has the same problem or knows a solution?

With regards,
The Netherlands

Administrator Staff (63 posts)
April 19, 2004 09:59 AM
Accepted Answer

The network mapping feature for the job should work for Novell. Please post details of how it "isn't working."

Azathoth (13 posts)
April 20, 2004 01:30 AM
Accepted Answer

If it should be working, then I guess I'm doing something wrong :)

Network path to connect: \\server\volume
Assign drive letter: on (N:)
Domain: Emtpy (is this correct? A Netware server doesn't have a domain)
User ID: Fully Qualified Distinguished Name (.user.context)
Password: Password

When I start the job I get error 138: Cannot load network connection '\\server\volume'. Logon failed for user '.user.context'. Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I also tried to put the context at the domainfield, but I receive the same error.

btw. What will happen if 2 Netware jobs are running at the same time?

Thanks for your reply,


Administrator Staff (63 posts)
April 20, 2004 08:37 AM
Accepted Answer

I apologize for responding without thinking. I forgot about this problem:, which probably is preventing the login from working correctly.

A fix is available to correct that problem; download and follow the instructions in the readme.htm found in that ZIP.

After applying the fix, see if the Novell login works. You are correct that you should leave the domain field empty.

If you have more than one job running at the same time under the same credentials, the jobs share the same login context and therefore the same network connections, so adTempus does not attempt to make a second connection to the network for the user.

Azathoth (13 posts)
April 20, 2004 09:41 AM
Accepted Answer

It's working....

Thank you very much!



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