Scheduled Program stops responding

camiro (1 post)
May 26, 2004 10:52 AM
Accepted Answer


  I recently purchased AdTempus to run a replication routine on one of our servers.  Most of the time the programs starts then runs then ends and then an email is sent indicating such.  Recently the replication program just stops responding when it is half way through running.  I then manually have to close the program and then start it again through AdTempus.  Is there a way that AdTempus can detect when a program stops responding and then tries to restart it again.  Please Help.

Administrator Staff (63 posts)
May 26, 2004 02:57 PM
Accepted Answer
adTempus is not able to detect when a program has stopped responding. The closest thing you could do would be to set a maximum run time and have adTempus kill the program and restart it if it exceeds that run time.

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