Exporting from adTempus 3 to 4.1

Ken T (33 posts)
July 28, 2014 04:00 PM
Accepted Answer

I want to be able to export from adTempus 3 to adTempus 4.1.

I went ahead and exported to a file. And then tried to import into adTempus 4.1.

I'm getting errors like:

Message: Import failed: Invalid value "{********-****-****-****-************}:{********-****-****-****-************}" for field jobOID

Import settings contain a mapping from 32:{********-****-****-****-************} to 32:{********-****-****-****-************} but 32:{********-****-****-****-************} does not exist

Import failed: Invalid value "{********-****-****-****-************}:{********-****-****-****-************}" for field jobOID

What does messages like these mean?


Bill Staff (603 posts)
July 31, 2014 12:31 PM
Accepted Answer
This appears to be a bug related to importing job history from version 3 to version 4. Imports without history are not affected. The problem will be fixed in the next update. Affected users can open a support case to get a hotfix.
Bill Staff (603 posts)
April 6, 2015 09:01 AM
Accepted Answer
A fix for this was included in adTempus 4.2.

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