accounting for CPU time of child processes

smp (34 posts)
October 21, 2009 09:56 AM
Accepted Answer

adTempus 3.0.5

Let's say I have a job with a single execution step. Let's say that step executes a Windows .cmd file, and inside the .cmd file, call a Perl script.

 Does adTempus include the userModeTime and kernelModeTime of the Perl script (i.e. child processes) when calculating these values for the executionHistoryItem?

Bill Staff (603 posts)
October 21, 2009 06:43 PM
Accepted Answer
The numbers are reported back to adTempus by Windows and are, as far as I know, only going to reflect the CPU time for the batch file itself, not for any processes that it launches. If you want that information you would have to have adTempus run perl directly rather than using a batch file.

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