Send Notification - how to send to everyone

J_Reeves (3 posts)
December 19, 2008 08:23 AM
Accepted Answer

Is there a way for when an email is sent all recipients are listed on one email rather than one email going out at a time?  Is there a setting that can be adjusted?

Bill Staff (603 posts)
December 21, 2008 07:30 AM
Accepted Answer
You didn't post your message in a product-specific forum, and didn't specify what product you are asking about. I assume you're referring to adTempus, so I moved your message to the correct forum.

At this time there is not a way to send a single copy of the message to all recipients instead of a separate copy to each. A few other people have requested this feature, though, and it's on the enhancement list, probably for the next release.

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