File creation trigger.

MMartinez (8 posts)
February 13, 2007 09:40 AM
Accepted Answer

I am having a problem triggering a job with a wild card. I want the job to execute each time a file is created on a directory, while testing, it worked great. The problem I’m having is that if multiple files are creates very fast (within a second), adTempus only triggers on a few of them. Is there a way to setup the job to handle this condition effectively?



Administrator Staff (63 posts)
February 14, 2007 08:43 AM
Accepted Answer
The adTempus file trigger scans for changes to watched files every 5 to 10 seconds. When it detects a change to the trigger file(s) for a job, it executes the job only once, regardless of how many trigger files have changed. The original intent was that adTempus would simply let the scheduled application know that changes had occurred and leave it to the application to scan the directory for all files to process if appropriate.

We have added an option to have adTempus trigger a separate instance of the job for each file that matches the trigger criteria (adTempus can run your application once for each trigger file). This new option will be available in version 2.1, which should be out in a public beta soon. If you are interested in obtaining a hotfix with that change sooner, please submit a support request and we can get you set up.
MMartinez (8 posts)
March 1, 2007 10:44 AM
Accepted Answer

Thanks for the response. I installed the HotFix patch. It works well.


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