Imports ADTempus |
Imports System.IO |
Namespace AdTempusAPI |
Module Module1 |
Sub Main() |
'Dim dayspecs As DaySpecification |
Dim jobTime As Date |
Dim theScheduler As scheduler |
Dim theApp As Application |
Dim job1 As Job |
Dim step1 As JobStep |
Dim progex As ProgramExecutionTask |
Dim trigger As ScheduleTrigger |
Dim schedule1 As Schedule |
Dim dateschedule1 As DateSchedule |
Dim timecriterion As SpecifyTimeCriterion |
'Dim daycriterion As SpecifyDaysCriterion |
Dim datecriterion As DayIntervalCriterion |
'Dim theresponse As Response |
Dim newresponse As Response |
Dim eventFilter As JobEventFilter |
Dim thenotificationaction As NotificationAction |
Dim newrecipient As NotificationIndividual |
'Dim restartAction As JobControlAction |
'Dim errors As ArcanaDevelopment.ADErrorHandling.ADErrors |
'Dim errorSeverity As ADErrorSeverity |
' Loop through each line in array returned by ReadAllLines |
Dim line As String |
For Each line In File.ReadAllLines("C:\inputs.csv") |
' Split line on comma |
Dim jobLine As String() = line.Split(New Char() {","c}) |
Dim ipv As IProvideValidation |
'create an application object |
theApp = New Application |
'create a new session using native Windows security |
theScheduler = theApp.Connect("", "") |
'Data objects (objects derived from IADTObject) cannot be directly created. |
'They must be created through a call to scheduler.CreateObject() |
job1 = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_Job) |
job1.Name = jobLine(0) |
'replace with the appropriate credentials |
job1.UserID = jobLine(1) |
job1.Password = jobLine(2) |
'we'll use the defaults for all other Job properties |
'next we need a step |
step1 = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_JobStep) |
'and a task. Use a ProgramExecutionTask to run a program |
progex = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_ProgramExecutionTask) |
'we'll run Notepad.exe (%windir% will be expanded by adTempus |
'to the value of the WINDIR environment variable) |
progex.ExecutionTarget = jobLine(3) |
progex.CommandLineParameters = jobLine(4) |
progex.WindowMode = WindowModeEnum.wmNormal 'we want it to be visible |
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
'*************************************************************************************************************** |
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
'we want to look at the exit code to determine success |
progex.SuccessCriterion = SuccessCriterionEnum.scExitCode |
'success is indicated by an exit code <= 4 |
progex.ExitCodeCriterion = ExitCodeTestTypeEnum.exitCodeLE |
progex.SuccessMinCode = 4 |
'if the task fails, we want to retry it. |
'create the response |
'theresponse = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_Response) |
'create an event filter to trigger the response when the step fails() |
'eventFilter = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_JobEventFilter) |
'eventFilter.Event = JobEventEnum.jeStepFailed |
'theresponse.Events.Add(eventFilter) |
'now the action to restart |
'restartAction = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_JobControlAction) |
'restartAction.ControlType = JobControlActionsEnum.jcaRestartStep |
'restartAction.RestartDelay = 120 'wait 120 seconds (=2 minutes) before trying again() |
'restartAction.RetryLimit = 4 'retry up to 4 times |
'theresponse.Actions.Add(thenotificationaction) |
'step1.Responses.Add(theresponse) |
'we want to send e-mail notification if the task still doesn't succeed after the 4 retries. |
'first create the recipient. This method will retrieve the existing |
'recipient object if one exists, or create a new one if necessary |
newrecipient = GetRecipient("[email protected]", theScheduler) |
'create another response |
newresponse = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_Response) |
'create an event filter to trigger the response when the restart limit Is exceeded |
eventFilter = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_JobEventFilter) |
eventFilter.Event = JobEventEnum.jeStepFailed |
newresponse.Events.Add(eventFilter) |
'create the action to send the notification |
thenotificationaction = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_NotificationAction) |
thenotificationaction.Recipients.Add(newrecipient) |
'we'll use the default subject and message, so we don't need to do anything else with the action |
newresponse.Actions.Add(thenotificationaction) |
step1.Responses.Add(newresponse) |
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
'*************************************************************************************************************** |
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
'assign the task to the step |
step1.Task = progex |
'add the step to the job |
job1.Steps.Add(step1) |
'next we need a trigger |
'we'll schedule this to run at 12:05 PM every day |
'add a single time (12:05 PM) to the time criterion |
timecriterion = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_SpecifyTimeCriterion) |
jobTime = Date.Parse(jobLine(6)) |
timecriterion.Add(jobTime) |
'set the date criterion to execute every day |
datecriterion = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_DayIntervalCriterion) |
datecriterion.Interval = jobLine(5) |
'setting the date specification to run on MTWRF only |
'daycriterion = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_DaySpecification) |
'dayspecs.WeekdayMask = 111110 |
'assign the date criterion to the date schedule |
dateschedule1 = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_DateSchedule) |
dateschedule1.DateCriterion = datecriterion |
'add the date and time criteria to the schedule |
schedule1 = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_Schedule) |
schedule1.DateSchedule = dateschedule1 |
schedule1.TimeCriterion = timecriterion |
'add the schedule to the trigger |
trigger = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_ScheduleTrigger) |
trigger.Schedules.Add(schedule1) |
'and add the trigger to the job |
job1.Triggers.Add(trigger) |
'before we save the job we'll validate it |
'Saving automatically validates first, but if Save returns validation errors, |
'we'd have to call Validate |
'anyway to get details of the error |
'first cast the job to an IProvideValidation interface |
ipv = job1 |
'errorSeverity = ipv.Validate(errors) |
'If errorSeverity > ADErrorSeverity.adetWarning Then |
'one or more errors were reported. |
'examine the contents of the errors collection for details |
'Else |
'validation was successful. Save the job. |
job1.Save() |
'End If |
Next |
End Sub |
Private Function GetRecipient(ByVal emailAddress As String, ByVal theScheduler As scheduler) As NotificationAddress |
Dim recipients As ADTObjects |
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer |
Dim address As NotificationAddress |
Dim recipient As NotificationIndividual |
'GetObjectsOfClassWhere will return all NotificationIndividuals, then we look for the one we want |
recipients = theScheduler.GetObjectsForClass(ClassIDEnum.CID_NotificationIndividual) |
For i = 1 To recipients.Count |
recipient = recipients(i) |
For n = 1 To recipient.Addresses.Count |
address = recipient.Addresses(n) |
If String.Compare(address.RecipientAddress, emailAddress, True) = 0 Then |
Return recipient |
End If |
Next |
Next |
'no existing recipient found; create a new one |
recipient = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_NotificationIndividual) |
recipient.Name = emailAddress |
address = theScheduler.CreateObject(ClassIDEnum.CID_NotificationAddress) |
address.AddressType = NotificationAddressTypeEnum.natSMTP |
address.RecipientAddress = emailAddress |
recipient.Addresses.Add(address) |
Return recipient |
End Function |
End Module |
End Namespace |