New Output option: URL

BW (6 posts)
October 18, 2016 08:31 AM
Accepted Answer


I'd like to suggest a new/additional output option.  When exporting a report to a file and storing that file on a network share, it would be nice to have the option to include the stored file as a URL link in the email, rather than as an attachment, or both.  If creating multiple files of large sizes, sending the email with a URL link to the saved file, instead of an attachment,  would eliminate any email size restrictions.

See attached screen shot.







Bill Staff (603 posts)
October 18, 2016 08:49 AM
Accepted Answer

I'm not clear if the screen capture you sent is a mockup based on an e-mail from another system, or if you've already solved your problem by coding your e-mail message in Report Commander to include the link.

Is what you're looking for an option to check to tell Report Commander to insert links in the message rather than attaching the files?

BW (6 posts)
October 18, 2016 09:01 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi,   The screen shot is what I’m hoping Report Commander can do.  

Currently, I have another system, which Report Commander is replacing, that currently has this handy feature and thought it would be a useful addition to Report Commander.  

Does that make sense?  

Bill Staff (603 posts)
October 18, 2016 09:41 AM
Accepted Answer

You can accomplish this now by including the output file name in the message body that you define for the e-mail message. Unfortunately if your filename is dynamic (e.g., including a date/time stamp like yours does) there's no way to get that value in there (because the variable/function value might change between when it's used for the file name and when it's used in the message).

What we need is a variable that you can insert in the message that will resolve to the file name used for the export. I though there already was such a variable, but I was wrong. If this approach will work for you, open a support case and we'll make the change to add the variable.

The other way of approaching this, which sounds more like what you had in mind, would be to add an option that you can check and Report Commander will automatically create a message with links to the files, without you having to construct the message yourself.

BW (6 posts)
October 18, 2016 09:51 AM
Accepted Answer


I am using the the dynamic name, adding a date and time to the end of the filename, which is very convenient.

It would be nice to have the checkbox and Report Commander will automatically create a message with the links to the files, without me having to construct that myself.  That would probably be most useful to others as well.

Thanks for considering it.


Bill Staff (603 posts)
October 21, 2016 09:21 AM
Accepted Answer

Beginning with version 2.3 (to be released soon) there are new variables that you can use to insert the name of the file created by an export. For example, you can use "${Output.1.PathAndFileName}" in your e-mail message body to insert the path/name of the file created by the first export in the project. See this article for more information.

We'll look at doing something more extensive for a future release.

BW (6 posts)
October 21, 2016 09:25 AM
Accepted Answer
That's great.  Thanks for working on this.  I'm looking forward to 2.3.

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