I've set a report to run x2/day (in trial mode , looking to buy). However, I'm getting a 'no printer installed' error:
2016-04-05 06:01:10 Debug Applying connection information2016-04-05 06:01:10 Info Processing Output Group Missing Data Report t-242016-04-05 06:01:11 Verbose Setting parameters2016-04-05 06:01:11 Verbose Setting parameter DateRange2016-04-05 06:01:11 Debug Start value: "2016-04-04"2016-04-05 06:01:11 Debug End value: "4/3/2016 12:00:00 AM"2016-04-05 06:01:12 Info Processing Output Print2016-04-05 06:01:14 Info Printing to printer ML-OBLJ12016-04-05 06:01:17 Verbose Setting paper source to Printer Auto Select2016-04-05 06:01:38 Error Could not print report: No printers are installed. Exception detail: System.Drawing.Printing.InvalidPrinterException: No printers are installed. at System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.GetHdevmodeInternal(String printer) at System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.GetHdevmode(PageSettings pageSettings) at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.PrintOptions.CopyTo(PrinterSettings printer, PageSettings page) at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN) at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN) at #Lwd.#Kwd.#gk(#Rvd , PrintOutput )2016-04-05 06:01:38 Info Processing complete
There are, in fact, many, and the one I want it to print to is set as default.